Unexpected. That’s what this month was for me.
When I thought of month 5 in Myanmar I thought tenting, village ministry, maybe slums, and for my emotional slump I was in last month to continue through this month.
Myanmar, month 5, goodness you have been GOOD. Sleeping pads, bucket showers, 50+ fire ant bites, canned coffee, the same food for breakfast, lunch and dinner, dance parties, stargazing, late night walks by myself (don’t worry Kacie, I stay inside the property gate), and almost never having wifi. Living here on this little compound has made me become present, a sweet life is here & now, not in a month when I’m in Africa or in 4 months when I’m home. This month has reminded me truly how little we need in material things if we’re choosing to find fulfillment in our Father. After last month of spiritual stagnancy, I’ve found so much more intimacy with God here, I’ve found him in nature, watching the boys play soccer everyday, in journaling again, and in worship.
The culture in Myanmar is beautiful, I’m in this small part but with over 100 different ethnic groups, I can imagine how diverse it is. Here are some facts about Myanmar to give you a glimpse inside it;
– Men & women both wear a yellow paste on their face called Thanakha, it’s a form of sunscreen and helps with acne.
– They do indeed eat dog here.
– When someone wants to get someone else’s attention, they make a kissing sound.
– The men wear skirts, although they will tell you “Not skirt, it’s a longyi!”
– People chew this red stuff called betel nut, similar to chewing tobacco. If you see red splattered on the road, don’t worry it’s not blood, just the spit.
– The southeast Asian game “Chinlone” originated here and you almost always see boys and men playing it. A small wicker ball the you kick and hit with your head, I believe the object of the game is to keep the ball off the ground & not use your hands.
– They love spicy food!
I leave for Thailand again in a week, I’m very sad to leave Myanmar and say goodbye to this month. If I’m being honest, I’m not excited for Thailand at all, so please be in prayer that this next month the Lord will renew my view of the country.