Friends!!! Woah it’s been a MINUTE since I posted a blog, sorry about that! As most of you know I got home from my Race two weeks ago now, crazy! Since being home I’ve found it hard to write what I’m feeling & how I’m doing, considering I’m still not entirely sure how I feel about being home. This blog is going to talk about a few different things, questions I’ve gotten since being home mostly, so bare with me and have grace for all my randomness. 

  1. How was it? 

Boy, how was it? It was the hardest but most joyful season of my life. I expected to come home SO different, when in fact I’m just more of myself, walking more in who I’m supposed to be. I saw and experienced crazy awesome miracles, I grew so close to Holy Spirit, I found so much joy in the simpleness of resting in the Father, and I got to love & do what I’m most passionate about alongside the best group of people I’ve ever known. All of this, while walking out of really hard things like sin struggles, past wounds, and anxieties. Freedom is something I’ve never truly tasted until the Race, and now I can’t live without it.


  1. What is your next adventure? 

Great question! The Lord has opened a couple doors, but only wanted me to go through the process and not actually walk through. What does that mean? It means I will not be going to Guatemala in July, and I will not be leading any other trip anytime soon. I’m not sure what my next step is, and if I’m honestly speaking, I don’t love that. I know that God is so good, I know that I’m changed and that not knowing is not a reflection on me or what I’m capable of. I know He has a plan and it’s in full, and I know that He will reveal to me what’s next when I’m ready. So I wait! 


  1. After seeing all that you did, what is something you want to bring home to America? 

I want to say this; the Gospel is an URGENT message. Not the “gospel” that is only for wealthy white families, not the “gospel” that says Jesus is a bigot, and not the “gospel” that says living in sin is okay because Jesus forgives. I’m talking about the radical life changing Gospel of Jesus Christ that calls you out and calls you higher. The Gospel that is for every person, it’s for the drunk driver that killed someone’s son, it’s for your neighbor that mows the lawn at 7am on a Saturday, it’s for the members of ISIS, and for all of those who are unseen & unheard around the world. Jesus’ love & sacrifice made it so miracles can happen, but the first one needs to happen in the heart of an individual. It needs to be changed and realize the desire for a relationship with its Maker. 

This is what the Church is for; for the sharing of Grace & Glory that is our God. 


I hope that answers a couple of the bigger questions y’all have asked! I’m excited for whatever this next season will look like, I’m excited to lean in the Father in the unknown and find growth here. 

Thank you for following me on my journey, thank you for all your support in prayers, finances & encouragement. I felt every bit of it when things got hard and when things were so, so good. 

All my love – Alexus, WR Alumni