Team Ecclesia, a team being called out, a team choosing to say “Yes” to what God has for us everyday, and a team that walks in boldness & intimacy. I have the pleasure of living life with these 6 Jesus chasing, people loving girls and I think you all should meet them!


This is Caitlyn! She’s a girly who’s chasing hard after intimacy with the Father and has one of the biggest desires to grow that I’ve ever seen. She’s from Northern California and enjoys getting dirty, camping, hiking and all the naturey things. God has given her such a powerful voice and good things to say. She’s great! 

This is Haven! Wow oh wow is she precious! Haven is filled with so much love and joy that it’s contagious. She loves the people around her well and has such a big heart for the boys of Llano. She’s from Jacksonville, Tennessee and enjoys all the music, camping, and has a black belt in taekwondo. She walks in humility and compassion and reflects such a gentle part of Gods heart. 

This is Canilla Wafer (aka Camille)! She is a strong, fierce and confident women of God. She’s from Southern California, loves Nordstrom, being the life of the party and is very accident prone. She is loud and blunt but speak so much life and truth into our team & squad. Her laugh is infectious and she brings so much humor to our team, we love her! 

This is Danielle! She’s from Kentucky and loves musicals, all things Disney and sweets. She has one of the most gentle spirits I’ve ever had the privilege of knowing. She walks with a servants heart and desires so deeply to love the people around her well. Also, she’s a fellow Hufflepuff HOLLLAA! 

This is Kyleigh! Man, do I love this girl! She’s from Memphis, Tennessee, loves sweet tea, was valedictorian, and reading cheesy Christian romance novels. She is one who walks in confidence, wisdom and knowledge. She truly has a teachers heart and desires so much to love children by teaching them. Love it, love her!

This is Emily, last but never least! She is from Lancaster, Pennsylvania, loves playing the uke, has a voice of an angel and loves painting. Emily is a sassy, humorous, smarty who has so much to offer. She walks in authority and confidence and brings so much joy and spunk to our team. Follow her on the Gram; @emily__shenk 


This is Team Ecclesia! 



Update! Change of plans! We got rerouted to….MYANMAR!! Myanmar is between Thailand & Bangladesh, so we’ll go to Thailand for a month then Myanmar for a month and then back to Thailand for our last month in Asia. Crazy, exciting! Myanmar just opened its borders to outsiders 3-4 years ago, its one of the most untouched countries in the world and the culture (I’ve heard) is super unique. I’m pumped!