I walk into the throne room. 

I’m home. 

The room is regal. White linen hanging from the ceiling, gold and red etched into the tile floor. Massive windows spaced around the room, letting in nothing but beautiful white light. 

It’s big and warm, inviting and comforting.

I see Papa sitting on His seat, a magnificent throne made of gold and intricately carved mahogany. 

I see King Jesus has a seat just like it on his right. 

I have one too, I can see it out of the corner of my eye, but I can’t stop looking at Him. 

Papa looks at me with an expression that I’ve waited my whole life to see. His face lights up with such intense adoration that my heart literally skips. 

I walk up and sit in His lap, I curl up into his chest, breathing in His goodness. 

I’m home.

I look down at His hands and see the scars, the same scars that I’ve seen on His son. 

I look down at my own hands, reminded that I don’t have them. 

I look into His eyes and see wisdom, majesty and kindness. 

I see myself too. I see my own eyes in the reflection that dances around His pupils.

I could stare into them forever, searching for all of who He is. Gaining a deeper understanding of who I am in Him. 

I feel His warm breath tickle my cheeks. 

He breaths out, I breath in. 







I’m breathing in all of who He is, exhaling again to give the breath back to Him. 

In this moment I am completely who I am. 

In this moment I am completely fulfilling my purpose.

In this moment I am whole & holy. 

In this moment sin has no place. Fear and worry have fled and it’s just me and my papa. 

I’m home. 


*This is a vision that the Lord gave me last week when I was at an all time point of exhaustion. Pretty sweet how He reminds us to take a moment to breath, to rest in Him. I wanted to share this on my blog because this is the root of everything. Intimacy and personal relationship with the Father is the reason we exist, giving His breath back to Him is the reason we serve. This vision is everything I need to know about life, nothing else matters. He is worthy and ready to receive my love always, and I in return am ready to receive love & give my “Yes”.*