Hello! We are now 5 months out from launch day for the world race, how exciting is that?! Mission work is something God has placed on my heart, and I am so excited to get the chance to follow this calling into the mission field. This is going to be a totally amazing journey but a big part of it is going to be stepping outside of my comfort zone into the unknown, and relying solely on God. I am beyond excited to see what He is going to do over the course of the next year, but facing the unknown can sometimes be a little scary. And honestly, that’s how fundraising has been for me. This trip is 100% support raised, and at first that scared me big time! I was fearful of reaching out to people, I was fearful of asking for money, I was fearful of offending people, and I was fearful of being rejected. But then the Lord reminded me that it isn’t just me that the Lord has called to the mission field. The Lord has placed a passion and a calling in many people’s heart for serving and loving people. I am in a season where I have the ability to take time off work and school to physically go to these places, but not everyone does and that’s okay. God loves to use people exactly where they are. Masons for the Nations, is an idea the Lord put in my heart, with the dream for everyone to help grow the Kingdom from exactly where they are walking within their own season.


What is Masons for the Nations?

 Each country that my team and I will be going to is represented by a mason jar. Each jar has information about the work we will be doing in each country, the ministries we will be partnering with there, a little about the country, as well as some general prayer points for that specific nation. I believe that God desperately wants to use every person in expanding His Kingdom and I know you are included in that. My heart for these jars is that they will be more than just a way to fundraise, but a way to truly partner with like minded people who want to serve the Kingdom. 


How does Masons for the Nations work? 

I will be giving out Jars to whoever wants them. The hope is that over the course of the next few months, you will be coming alongside us by thinking and praying for whatever nation you have chosen. Along the way, filling the jar with pocket change at the end of the day, or more if you feel lead. After a few months I will be collecting the Jars back. But my favorite part is the partnership does not end there. When we are in the country that you faithfully covered in prayer, I will be updating you and sharing the amazing things that your prayers and support did for the people of that nation.

If you are interested in partnering with us as we serve God and His kingdom, send me a message, or go to the ‘contact’ section in this blog and send a message that way and we can talk about it, I am so excited!