Man, it all happened so fast.  One moment I was at a hotel in Georgia and the next thing I knew I’m living in Costa Rica.  And still somehow so much has happened.  I was very grateful that my parents that my parents came with me to launch.  Saying goodbye was defiantly hard but, what helped was the overwhelming amount of support they gave me.  They have given me an example of love that who has shaped who I am and that I will carry with me forever.  Thanks mom and dad!!!  After they left I had one more day in Georgia.  Our flight was at 7am and to get close to 50 people through the airport takes time which mean you gotta get there early.  Like be at the airport at 3am early.  Flying to Costa Rica was uneventful.  You sat in the airport talked to your friends now new family (the squad) and slept on the plane. 

                As soon as you step off the plane you are struck with the stunning beauty of the country.  We are about an hour and a half from the ocean, but it is not possible to complain when you have mountains and volcanos covered in trees and the exotic wild life.  I don’t think its possible to properly elaborate the absolute beauty that is here and that I have seen.  I feel so truly blessed to be here and doing the lords work.

                We landed around 1.  We went through the check point where I got my first stamp in my passport!  After this we went and gathered out bags and when to wait outside for the bus.  Outside we met Jonny and amazing Godly man who I consider a privilege to be able to get to know.  The first thing I noticed when I got on the bus was that it was a stick shift.  The giant tour bus that took the whole squad to our base was a stick.  Later I learned that there is no such thing as an automatic car in Costa Rica.  On the ride I got in my opinion some great pictures which I will post later.  Also we have a base for the next three months we have been blessed with an actual home.  We all have a bed we have real showers and real toilets, and amazing backyard with a breath-taking view, and stores and a bus stop within a 30-minute walk.  However, there are some draw backs which should be expected.  Now don’t, I repeat don’t take this as complaining I truly love where we are.  However, I want to make sure I tell you as much as I can about my adventure and my walk with the lord.

                Draw backs one no toilet paper in the toilet.  Two a room with ten guys in it gets very hot very quickly.  Three no privacy ever.  Four five minutes of hot water for close to fifty people.  All in all, I am extremely happy where we are.  These things are so small in comparison to the fun I am having and the work God is doing through me.  I would not trade this for the world this is right where I’m supposed to be.  Well that’s all I have for now I hope you enjoyed my first blog and I’ll be sure to right as often as I can and let you know all that is going on in the life that God as given me.  Thank you for your support and please look forward to my next blog.  And hopefully it will be better than this one.