Hey everyone I’m Alex Olson but most just call me Alex.  So here’s a little information about me so you guys can see how much of an interesting person I am.  I suppose that I should start from the beginning.  I grew up in a Christian home with two loving parents and three little brothers.  I was born in New Jersey but most of my childhood growing up I lived in Pennsylvania.  There I went to school until 3rd grade and from there on to 8th I was home schooled.  I moved to New York where I live currently and am finishing my senior year at Starpoint.  I had been looking for something to do after high school but I wasn’t sure what.  I had no idea what I wanted to do with my future and it didn’t seem the right time for college because of that.  One day my mother and I where surfing the internet when we came upon The World Race.  We read through the doctrine and saw what I would be doing.  This was exactly what I had been searching for!!!  It was the perfect chance to travel and see the world but also a great opportunity to help people and serve the Lord.  I submitted an application and was accepted!  Truly one of the happiest moments of my life.  Now I’m here writing this blog and crazy excited to get going.  Well I hope this helped you get to know me a little more.

Until next time,

Alex Olson