Today started like most days.  OH crap I woke up late!  Next is breakfast today was eggs and tortillas.  Now there is some great food here, but I have never tasted anything as bad as these tortillas.  So, after finishing my egg and passing off my tortilla I get ready for devotionals.  Today I read through the book of Danial, good stuff in there would recommend.  We do devotionals for about half an hour than, put coffee cup away, brush teeth, and put deodorant on.  When those essential steps are done I have a little time before ministry starts.  Which is spent hanging out, some more time in the word, or a hammock napping session.

                When it is finally time for me to leave the team gathers at the front door and we head out together.  We walk about 30 minutes to ministry every day except Fridays and Sundays.  Everyday I can count on at least one pit stop to get some kind of food.  I’m not saying we aren’t well fed here but, I’m also not saying it’s always great, so a pit stop is sometimes necessary.

                When we arrive at ministry we are normally great by the grounds keeper Luis.  Luis is so much more than a grounds keeper though.  I have gotten the pleasure of getting to know this man and his story is amazing.  He is so full of joy and loves the Lord with every fiber of his being and he is someone that I will always look up to.  Now there is some language barrier with Luis, but he is learning English and is already pretty good.  Not only that Luis is somewhere in his 60’s and has the most energy I have ever seen its funny and incredible at the same time.  A little on Luis and why I think he as such an amazing man and why you will too.  Luis was not always a Christian in fact he only became one 10 years ago.  However, before that Luis was homeless for 35 years.  Seeing him today you would have never have guessed that someone with so much joy and love would have struggled so much in life.  He has even invited my team to spend the night at his house next Friday for dinner and then for breakfast.  I will most likely be posting a blog on that because I’m sure its gonna be a blast.

                After Luis greats us and your feeling good for the day we start whatever they need us for that day.  Which could be cleaning rocks, working construction, painting cribs, sweeping, washing chairs, or my personal favorite weed whacking with machetes.  At 12 o’clock its lunch time until 1.  That always involves eating and then it can vary.  It could be anything form sleeping playing basketball or just hanging out all together and having a laugh.  When 1 hits its back to work and we finish whatever we were doing until 3.

                  At 3 we get ready for the kids.  The kids ages can vary anywhere from 5 to 12 so we just plan the game we will play when we see them.  However, one thing that is always planned ahead is the skit.  Every day we do a skit for the kids that teaches an important life lesson and the bible.  The games and the skit will go on until 5.  After that is all done we pack our thing say good bye to Luis and start the trek home.  And that’s how a normal day is here so far but, I can tell that there is more to come and I can’t wait!