Hey y’all,

I’ve been in Georgia for about 3 weeks now, and some really cool stuff has been happening! So I figured I’d give an update.

Biggest one first…

We’re going to Louisiana!

We will be partnering with Samaritan’s Purse to do hurricane relief in Lake Charles, LA.

We will be there from October 24-31. I am so excited and thankful to get this chance to do ministry! It’s a great reminder that even though we are all looking forward to going overseas, there is still work to be done here in the states.

Next, I am so grateful for my team Quo Vadis, Latin for “Where are you going”. I love that we picked a name with so much meaning within it. I also love the group of guys around me. We’ve been able to be so trusting and open so quickly. The group bonding experience has been amazing so far, even outside of the team and into the entire squad. Just the other night we had a playing card fall through the cracks of our dining patio, so we used a fork attached to a tent pole to fish it out. There are many more stories that I will be sure to tell little by little, but that’s the fun one for now.  

Lastly, I am so humbled to even have the opportunity to be here in Georgia. I couldn’t be here if it weren’t for so many things going well so quickly. So thanks to all of you who have supported me in one way or another, whether financially, through prayer, or just general encouragement. Thank You!

With all that said, I am still fundraising so if you want to help out financially, it would be greatly appreciated. I still need about $6,000 more to be fully funded. Looking forward to see how God provides for me in that gap. 
