We live in a world of perpetual atrocity. Here, unspeakable acts of violence and hatred are no longer abnormalities, but everyday occurrences.
All of us are susceptible to these heinous crimes, and unfortunately, the further east one travels, the larger the bullseye.
Someone I’ve discussed the Race with has commented that although traveling is a joy, I’m putting myself in harm’s way by heading into a wolf pit to help people I don’t know.
Why would I not fight with everything I have to live this life to the full? To defend those in the line of fire, while simultaneously diving into the richest experiences earth can offer?
The stranglehold wickedness has on the world is palpable today more than ever. It drives me to act. I cannot live with knowledge of the battles that need to be won, and never get up to fight. I will gladly throw comfort, safety, logic, and luxury to the wind, to forge my place as one who fought to make this world better. I’m writing the story of who I am and who I will become, and the legacy to which I aspire will include risk-taking and sacrificing to impact the lives of many on the path to global justice.
The time is now. I don’t find it naive at all to think that I can combat evil with good. I most certainly think there is a time to defend and protect by waging war, but anyone can join in the daily battle.
Take initiative. Love intentionally and unconditionally. Serve selflessly, laugh uncontrollably and often. Immerse yourself deeply in the things that bring you to life. Remaining stagnate or impartial is paralyzing.
As always, I want to inspire others to dare to dream and fight to make a difference. The support I’ve received from those of you fighting alongside me has been overwhelming, and it is an indescribable blessing to have you all in my corner as I continue to fundraise and prepare for this endeavor.
It would be hilariously wrong to assume my confidence comes from my obedience or anything I could achieve on my own. I am a fallen sinner, but I abide in the grip of his grace. I simply strive to constantly live with a bold, unmistakeable bravado rooted in my faith in him. I look to him to sustain me with the strength to fight. His spirit is upon me, and I carry the righteousness and strength of the most powerful. In this, I am equipped with the audacity to believe that no matter how grim, dangerous, or impenetrable anything in my path may seem, I can conquer it.
And that when thrown to the wolves, I’ll return leading the pack.