I want my life to be a story worth telling.

The Lord has blessed me immensely, and I want to in turn bless those around me and those in desperation. It’s with profound anticipation and excitement that I announce my plans to embark on The World Race, an eleven month mission trip to eleven different countries. I’m yearning to serve orphans, widows, women and children trapped in sex slavery, the starving, the marginalized, and the poor, all over the world. I want to fight against injustice and make a difference in people’s lives.

I acknowledge the harsh realities and sacrifices that will accompany this decision, and I’m prepared to face them confidently. The World is out there, waiting to be explored. Adventure is out there, ready to be had. And most importantly, lives are out there, waiting to be transformed and won for Christ.

Time here on earth is so precious, and I want to seize every opportunity that life has to offer. I’m excited to share this journey with those I know and love, and also to encourage others to pursue their dreams, take wild risks, and live to the fullest while transforming lives in the process.