Hebrews 10:24-25

“Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.”


Ministry in Thailand for me was by far my favorite ministry i have done on the race.  We were along the Thai/Burma Border teaching English in a village.  Our contact was a brand new contact and we were the first World Race team to work with them.  To say that i was excited about this is an understatement. They are called ATM (Asia Tribal Ministries).  They work with Burmese refugees along the Thai/Burma border, helping build homes, farms, and water supplies. they also have a discipleship school at there compound and a shelter for single mothers and their children. They were phenomenal. setting us up with our rooms, letting us rest and cooking our meals for us, and made us feel so welcome.  

We were pretty far removed from civilization when we finally made it.  8 hours of driving, one hotel stay, and a crossing a river on bamboo rafts before we set foot in the Village.  We had no wifi, no electricity, No plumbing,  We had batteries that charged in the sun all day so we had light in our bunks at night, we bathed in the river, we swam in that same river everyday, there were free range goats, chickens, ducks, dogs and a pig.  Mark and I had a Chicken for a roommate. It was like taking a step back in the past. A Place that time forgot.  You would never know of the troubles and strife in the world around us if you were born there and never left.  Just a seemingly quiet corner of the world where life was simple and honest.  However the area has been through so much.  

 I grew found of these people and I wanted nothing more than to help them and come alongside them.  So that’s what we did.  We lived life in real and raw community.  Our village was in a time of relief from fighting that is happening all along the border as i write this.  We saw Soldiers on patrol and training regularly.  Their camp was a few hundred yards away from where we were staying.  They would come into the village to rest and hangout all the time.  they would be carrying their weapons more often than not but, were real friendly.  we witnessed them playing soccer more than once.  We had the pleasure of meeting the General of the Karen (one of the many tribes in Burma) forces( the soldiers we saw everyday were in his army).  He was an awesome guy and was so excited that we were there and wanted to spread the word about what was going on in Burma and that we need to send as many friends as i can.  He told us how much he wanted to see the youth of his country educated so that they would have new generation of leaders to take their country in the right direction.  to start taking care of the people and treat all as equals. It changed every about ministry from then on.  How we taught and how we interacted with the kids.  by the time we left i felt like we were leaving family.

I hope to return one day. to see the students and and friends we made.  to return to a corner of creation where all that seemed to matter was the love of the father and the love of your family. I would ask that all who read this keep these people in your prayers.  pray for their country, their health, their education, their safety, that the Lord would continue to send workers, that His spirit of peace fall in that place.  That His will be done and that He be glorified.


Peace and blessings