It’s that time of year again!  Normally, I’d just post something on social media (I still will) about where I’m headed or what I’m doing but this feels different.  I can’t explain why but something about the combination of the season I was just in, the transition I have been in, and the season I am about to step into has more weight to it.  

For the last five years, you have followed me through some significant events in my life.  I have traveled the world in the name of preaching the gospel.  I have prayed and worship with many different churches and organizations who dream of one day seeing every knee bowed and every tongue confess the name of Jesus with whatever resources available to them as they reach as far and wide as they can to the literal “ends of the earth.”  I have been humbled and honored to have partnered with such people and I never cease to be amazed at the way they run their race for and strive forward for the finish to hear “well done good and faithful servant.”   I have had the privilege of living in the Adventures In Missions(AIM) community and have been discipled in making disciples, in finding deeper trust and faith cultivating intimacy with God to seek His kingdom first, and make a well-worn path back to the tree of life.  To bear fruit in my life that invites others into God’s presence, to taste and see that He is, above all else, good.  I was discipled to take a long hard look in the mirror, to see the log in my own, before pointing it out in others.  To know, love, and lead me well so that I can know, love and, lead others well.  To live a life on mission.  Even Before all of this, I have been very fortunate to have grown up in a church that is Christ-centered and mission-minded, which instilled in me a desire to serve and love others into the kingdom, gave me every opportunity to do so, empowered me to start this crazy adventure as it is today.   I have learned and grown so much as I look back but I also know that there is so much more.

All that to say, I have been accepted to attend the G42 Leadership Acadamy(G42).  Below are a couple of links to help you get an idea for what is and in my next blog I will tell you all of this came about. But I can tell you right now, everything I have experienced on this journey so far lead me to this. I am super excited and cannot wait to share the story.

As always, thank you so much for all who have joined me on this journey, those who have been with me from the beginning, and those who have joined me recently.  This is just as much your journey as it is mine and It would not have been the same nor would it have been possible without your support and prayers along the way.  It means the world to me to have you all in my corner and I very much look forward to partnering with you all as this journey continues.


Peace and Many many blessings,




Youtube Links

What is G42?

Jessica – Short Testimony

Kenneth – Short testimony