Hello there!

i suppose you are wondering who i am!  i’ll just get the basics/obvious out of the way.


My name is Alex Kirby. I’m 25 years old. i Live in Boone, Iowa( heard of it?…tis a silly place…)

now that thats over! on to the more interesting things about me


I have lived in Boone pretty much my whole life. My parents(who are from Boone)moved here from Austin, TX when i was a year old.  i grew up playing sports, hanging with friends, playing video games, and so on. Graduated in 2007. I started going to youth group in about 7th grade and continued throughout high school.  helped with said youth group through my very short( albeit, very wasted) 2 years  at DMACC(Des Moines Area Community College).


I have worked at two grocery stores(Fareway and Hy-Vee), one pizza place(pizza-Hut), one warehouse(patterson Logistics), one postal service(UPS), and one construction company(Dakin Ag. Equipment). I am presently with Dakin Ag. 


I am a bit of an adrenaline junky. I love anything doing all the thrill seeker things!  Roller coasters, bungie jumping(i actually havent done this but its on my bucket list!), rock climbing/repelling, zip-lining, parachuting, etc.  my only regret about this is that its sometimes gets expensive to do said things.


I’m a huge nerd(used to be a in-the-closet nerd) i love playing video games(still), i read comic books, and all that jazz.  I used to jokingly tell people that it was my anti-drug, but looking back its not really a joke.  the friend group that i eventually settled with also were nerds who like all the same things i did(it varied alittle from dude to dude) and i didn’t have to be some one else to feel accepted.  I am still friends with all of them to this day.


I love to travel.  Part of the reason i join The World Race.  I have been to most of the continental US. highlights include: Yellowstone park(a must see), skiing in Colorado, The Redwood forest(or as i like to call it…Jurassic Park), i have been to The Arch in St. Louis(twice!)  I have seem both oceans(Oregon coast is my favorite!), and other various location.  I have been to Mexico for a mission trip a few years ago. quite eye opening.

I came to christ in 2008.  the process started much before that.  certain events had lead to giving my life over…one of them being a car-crash(story for another time) and various youth rallies and worship experiences. but one thing above all else kept me close to christ…


wanna hear a story?  Gather around…


When i was 16 i got really into music.  I had always love music. i remember having dreams of being a backstreet boy or N’sync member(tell no one!). Maybe even a lead singer for a cool rock band(tell everyone!).  Eventually not only did i love music, i wanted to learn to make it also.  So naturally i wanted to learn to play the guitar(cause that’s what the cool kids do!…right!?).  my parents bought me a guitar and there it sat…for a year! collecting lint and dust( copious amounts i might add).  i would pick it up, struggle to form a chord, strum it, then put i down to let it sit for another month.  Then finally a good friend of mine, Hiram Philo, said ” i’m going to show you four easy chords” and the rest is history.  from that point on i started to learn to learn songs, play and sing at the same time, and even write a few songs myself.  Eventually i bacame good enough to play for youth group. then i became good enough to lead at youth group. Then i became good enough to play at Church. And finally became good enough to lead at church. its been 8 years or so since that day.  and everyday in between was an anchor in my walk with Christ.

Worship was always the one thing that made me feel closest to God.  letting the music play and the Holy Spirit move…nothing was(and still is) better. It’s the one thing i do day in and day out and never get tired or bored of it.  it helps me relax and unwind.  it makes me feel alive. 

God has gifted me with a talent i never knew i had until Hiram opened the door that day.  and have made my mission to use that gift to bring him glory and honor and praise.


So there you have it! and little bit about me in a nutshell