For the past two months I have been living in a house with 18 girls, also known as our mini squad. We are leaving Ecuador tomorrow and at the start of the new year our entire squad will be heading to INDIA!! So, for the next 48 hours we are doing a social media campaign to raise the remaining $29,000 we have left. For the next two days I will be posting about various ladies on my squad who you should consider partnering with so that they can continue spreading the Gospel of Jesus!!

     Savannah is on team Tetelastai and she is the most unique and bold woman I have ever met. The Lord has given her passions and giftings that before the race she didn´t walk in with as much boldness, but the Lord has brought those giftings ALIVE in her.

     One story that captured my heart was when her and her team were in the park near the mall and they were talking to this man. He only spoke Spanish and by the end of the conversation they asked if they could pray for him. She began to pray quietly in tongues while the other girls prayed over him. When they were finished the man turned to Savannah with tears in his eyes, and said to her, ¨You speak really great Spanish, you should speak more often.¨ Whatever the Spirit prayed for that man brought him to tears. Even in the middle of a park that man felt the love and power of Jesus become manifest in his life. 

     Savannah is a fearless woman who walks in the gifts the Lord has given her. She walks with boldness in the visions the Lord gives her and desires to see Kingdom come. She has spoken so much life into me, and her worship humbles me. Her deepest desire is to see Heaven come to Earth, and she is ready for whatever and wherever the Spirit leads.She has touched me so much and her passion is contagious. 

     Consider donating to this truly lovely lady and to seeing more Kingdom being brought into India in the next 3 months. 

To donate go to her page:

                                 Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, mountain, sky, cloud, outdoor, nature, water and closeup

There is also facebook page that talks more about the fundraising campaign we have for our mini squad!

 Thank you so much for being apart of this with us and to seeing more lives changed for the glory of the Lord!