The last two years God has radically shifted the trajectory of my life. 


I never knew if the dream of going on the World Race would actually come to fruition. I put college on hold and jumped in faith at the opportunity Papa put in front of me. I can’t even begin to explain the heart and life change I experienced during those 9 months. Then to think after the most incredible 9 months, He told me to leave what was comfortable again to begin a new life in Baton Rouge so that my relationship with my dad and stepmom could be restored. I never thought God in His kindness would actually want to bring complete healing in every area of my life. He not only restored our relationship, but He planted me in such a beautiful church family and life group for me to do life with this last year. And He gave me the incredible opportunity during July to go to an unreached nation and share about Jesus to people who have never heard. 


One story from my trip was when we met this lady in a park and she walked us to her neighborhood. We were sitting in her home making normal conversation with her and her husband, and we mentioned we saw all of these goats as we walked in and we were curious why there were so many. She explained how they are sacrificed and then the meat is given to the poor. She began to tell us how charity is one of the 5 pillars of Islam, as well as a sincere declaration of faith, performing the ritual prayers in the proper manner 5 times a day, fasting during ramadan, and the pilgrimage to Mecca. We asked her if she is unable to do these things what will happen? She said she may not go to Heaven after she dies. We asked her if she does successfully complete all of these things, will she for sure go to Heaven, and she replied that she would never know for sure. She then began to cry and said how she had committed many sins, and how she would never know if her sins were actually forgiven no matter what she did.


We sat with her in that space for a few minutes. I thanked her for sharing and asked if we could now share with her? She said yes. I shared my testimony with her and how I encountered Jesus. She said that Jesus sounded so wonderful, but that she had never heard the story of Jesus. My friend shared the Gospel beginning with creation and Adam and Eve’s sin. She described how even though they sinned and were cast out of the garden, God killed a lamb and clothed them. Despite what they did, He still loved them. She then walked her through how in the Old Testament the people had to make sacrifices for their sins, and then how Jesus, the son of God, was the spotless lame and the perfect sacrifice for all sins and all of man. He died for her so that she could be in perfect relationship with God once again like the very beginning. There was nothing she could do to earn this- it was a free gift because of His love for her. 


She was completely overwhelmed with this story of Jesus, and I cannot even explain how tangible the Father’s love was in that room. The atmosphere was so thick of the Father wrapping her in his arms and revealing to her that He paid the price for her, and that she was now free. We asked her if she wanted to give her life to Jesus, and she said yes. 


Shortly after, her husband approached and explained that they needed to pray their prayers to Allah before she could do this. Despite his response, this sweet woman believed in Jesus and what He did for her. And the beautiful thing is her husband could have stopped us from the very beginning when we began speaking of Jesus but never did. Her husband allowed us to share and he himself heard the Gospel just like his wife. They allowed us to sit with them for a long time after that, and then she eventually escorted us out of the neighborhood when it was time to leave. The peace that was in that place was so beautiful and God made his love clear that day. We later found out that the neighborhood was a very strong Muslim community, so just the fact that she took us into her neighborhood was monumental. 


Not only was our team able to be apart of this beautiful moment, but we also saw many people healed of pain in their bodies, and 2 other people also gave their lives to Jesus. We were able to plant many seeds just by sharing our stories and sharing about our Jesus. It was truly an amazing two weeks!! 


I hope this testimony excites you for what Papa God is doing in the nations, but I hope it also resonates with you like it did me- how the Father longs for his children to know him and be in relationship with Him, how His love is so intentional and specific, how He will do whatever it takes for us to encounter Him, and how the price has been paid- we are completely free from sin and bondage and made clean by the blood of Jesus. We now can be in right relationship with God, but not only in right relationship but actually have abundance of life in Him. And this abundance of life looks like having joy and purpose, walking in grace and compassion, and hearing His voice everyday. As Jesus heard the voice of the Father, we now get to as well because of Holy Spirit! It is so beautiful and exciting to be apart of something greater than ourselves.


I leave for Bethel Ministry school in one week, and would love for you to partner with me in this next season of my life. I’m asking you to continue to invest in me and what I know Papa wants to do through me. I still need to raise $2700! By August 22nd, in one week, I will at least need another $810 to pay the first portion! If you feel led to partner with me you can go to Search my name, click on the tuition link, and follow the prompts. Thank you again for investing with me in this next season and for your prayers over these last 2 years of my life. I’m so excited to see what God does in these next 9 months-two years!!