The first home we went to was where this woman named Brianne(I changed her name to protect her), who is in the feeding program at Pan de Vida, lived. She wasn’t there but Augustine, our ministry host, told us her story:

She was told by the doctor that she had to have this particular surgery, and she battled with the decision of whether to have it or not. Finally the Lord said yes and provided the money for her to have it done. After she had the surgery she couldn’t really work…except when she doesn’t work… her family doesn’t eat. She was dealing with severe pain, plus trying to work for her family and stressing about so many things. She literally got to this hopeless place where she said, “Jesus, I would rather my children be in your kingdom with you, than here where I can’t even take care of them.”

So Brianne put poison in her children’s tea, and called them in from outside. She told them all they had for today’s meal was this tea, so they needed to drink every sip, but at the same time was also praying “Father, if this isn’t your will, stop it from hurting my children.”

Earlier that morning Augustine and his wife were rushing and unable to make it to church, so they decided to bring some food to Brianne since they knew she had just had surgery. So after Brianne called her children in to drink the tea, there came a knock from the door and it was Augustine’s wife. Right when Brianne opened the door dogs from outside rushed in, hit the table, and the cups of tea spilled over.

This is real life people…

Brianne began to weep and knew that the Lord was going to provide for her and that he cared about her children and her. She couldn’t believe the Lord would actually do this for her- that he actually cared for her and what she was feeling.

What a beautiful reminder that we have a purpose HERE and NOW and He has chosen to use us. He doesn’t even need us, but the Father wants us to know him like he knows us. He wants to use us and have an intimate relationship with us in the HERE and NOW, not just when we get to Heaven.


To the Father- he desperately wanted those children to know his fullness in eternity, but would rather those children want to KNOW HIM first while on earth, and use them HERE for his glory.



Thank you Father that you want us- that you want us to know you. That you sent your son so that we could know you- even the people who weren’t Israelites- the fact that you died for all of us, even those who would walk away and never acknowledge you. You love us all, but want us to choose you. Thank you for letting me choose you, but also for not giving up on me, and running towards me even when everyone else is running the opposite way. Thank you for reminding me that YOU WILL ALWAYS SHOW UP FOR ME. I love you Father.