This past week has been hard, and I’ve tried to press in. I got my wisdom teeth out and then caught a bad sinus infection/cold and have literally been down for a week because of it. I’ve tried to get a million things done in fundraising preparation, and trying to get people and functions together but it has taken everything out of me. I’m tired, and today I cried because I felt useless. I felt like I had gotten nothing done, and I even said to the Lord, “I understand if I don’t get blessed with this last $7000, because I haven’t done enough.” But the Lord has showed me that it isn’t about what I can do or accomplish in this short amount of time I have. It’s about soaking in His goodness, and just seeking His face in this season. It may be a hard week, but the Lord has allowed me to spend time with my mom who has taken care of me, and the Lord has showed me how blessed I am to have a support system around me. I have people who care and who will go to their wits end for me- their wits end in gathering endless amounts of stuff for my yardsale, coming up with ideas for fundraising, driving an hour to take care of me, and giving me everything they have for supplies I’m going to need. I am still in the process of finalizing dates and times for upcoming fundraisers, and my next financial deadline may be in two weeks but I am blessed and the Lord is still Good. Thank you for partnering with me, and to quote my mom from this evening, “Let’s praise the Lord in advance for supplying our every need!” This hard week has been REDEFINED, and I’m so thankful for the Lord’s goodness.