Dear friends, family, and supporters, 


It’s been 7 months since I came home from the World Race. Wow. 


I had this crazy dream of going to unreached peoples and sharing about this amazing love I had encountered, about this Jesus who changed everything, and the Lord brought it to fruition. I went to Ecuador, India, and Zambia and spent 9 months being completely immersed in cultures I had never experienced. The Father ignited a flame within me to “see” people, and give my time to them, whatever that looked like. In Ecuador, it was the wife of my ministry host, the cleaning lady at our ministry, the beggars on the road while walking to ministry, and the believers living in my household. In India, it was the oppressed women with no dreams for their life, the homeless, and the forgotten. In Zambia, it was the children who needed someone to believe and dream for them, it was the people in the village, and it was the widow who cooked for us everyday. Every single one of these people I encountered needed to know that they were not forgotten, and that this incredible, all powerful God actually did love them and gave His everything for them. They needed to hear the name of Jesus. And they did. 


After the race I moved to Baton Rouge, La, to allow the Lord to rebuild my relationship with my dad and stepmom. I had not lived with them in over 7 years, had visited less than a handful of times, and had very little communication with them apart from holidays/birthdays. The first two months were the most challenging because we had to re-get-to-know one another, but the Holy Spirit does what He always does, and changed the atmosphere one day. We began to actually talk about life and real things, and enjoy one another’s company. I’m so thankful that the Lord is a healer and restorer and that He gives total restoration and total healing. And I’m so thankful He said now was the time, and not 20 years down the road. I will forever be grateful for this season of my life.


While being here, I have held a full time and part time job, and have been able to get planted in a life-giving community with a church called Antioch. Apart from the race, I have never encountered people who want to give Jesus absolutely everything and have a deep longing to reach the lost, like these believers. I have been empowered to become a woman who disciples and gives, and not just receives. I have experienced such incredible joy, a joy I always saw others experience in the Lord, but had not yet experienced. And in the last 7 months the Lord has taught me that there is no striving in his love. Every day he is romancing me in his love and giving me his eyes and heart to see the world around me. I have absolutely fallen in love with my Jesus, and have had the eyes of my heart enlightened to the Father’s heart for me. He is such a fighter and pursuer of my heart, and He truly is Abba, Papa, Lover of my soul, a Jealous God, my strength, my joy, my everything. 


Concerning what is next in my life, the Lord actually revealed it back in July. He showed me that he had brought to fruition the desire that I had wanted for over 4 overs, but now was the time to begin dreaming again with Him. My secret place with the Lord is me and Him dancing with one another while a beautiful orchestra fills the room. It has been the most intimate secret place with Him over the last two years. In high school I would dance in my personal worship times, but never danced corporately among other believers. While seeking the Lord on what was next He said if dance was something I deeply desired to pursue with Him, then I needed to go learn. So I did. In October, I took my first ballet class, and have been pursuing it since. I have always loved worship and always felt closest to the Lord when I would be surrounded by his presence in worship. The Lord began to stir in my heart what worship in the context of dance could look like for people, for the nations, and not just for me. Then I stumbled across Bethel Conservatory of Arts while looking on Bethel Church’s website. This excitement and overwhelming joy took over me, and I knew God was stirring something within me.


Bethel has a ministry school called Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry that has a heart for training up revivalists to see heaven come to earth. Bethel’s heart is to equip you to walk in your giftings and passions for the purpose of bringing kingdom. It is a full time, 9 month, ministry school where I will learn and study more of who God is through his Word, where I will be immersed in authentic and vulnerable community, and where I will be pushed to believe God for more, and thus experience more of Him. I desire to learn and grow, and experience more communion with the Lord, and discover how he wants to use me.


As I have sought the Lord on the things he’s already revealed and made me passionate about- my heart for the forgotten, the homeless, and the ones who have stopped dreaming- I have asked Him where dance and worship fits into all of these things, and he has spoken that it will be a bridge for the nations. A bridge where people and nations, who literally don’t speak my language and those who figuratively don’t understand what language I am speaking of in terms of finding your life in Jesus, these people, these nations will experience the power and love of God through dance, through worship, and through my life. 


This looks quite different than a mission trip or discipleship school. The world race was not only a mission trip but also season of discipleship where the Lord laid a foundation in my life. What I am embarking on, and asking you to be apart of with me, is a season of being equipped to walk into the calling God has on my life. It is a season of life where I will be learning, and be saturated with his presence. In August, I will be beginning my first year at Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry, and the following August, I will be attending Bethel Conservatory of Arts to pursue dance in the context of outreach and ministry. After that who knows, maybe I will be across the world in Indonesia where the largest population of muslims exist, or in the country of Somalia bringing hope to oppressed women. Maybe I will be in the inner city of Columbus, Ms, or Baton Rouge, La. I have no idea where the Lord is taking my life, but with every fiber in my body I want to say yes and run after those things He has set me on fire for. I want to fall more deeply in love with Him, and know how deep, how wide, how long, and how high the love of my Jesus is. And I want every person I come in contact with to know of this hope I have, of this incredible love that they have to experience. 


Thank you for taking the time to hear my heart, and for your willingness through the years to trust the Lord and support someone like me. You will never know much you have truly impacted my life until we are together in Heaven and Jesus makes everything known to you. Today I am asking you once again, and probably not for the last time, to invest in me. By August I must fundraise and save $4200 for tuition and around $3000 for rent for the 9 months. 


If you are interested in partnering with me in this next season of my life, you can visit, type in my name, click tuition, and choose your amount.





Alexis Guy