My name is Alexis and I hail from the great state of Illinois! I grew up outside of Chicago, and was raised with the blessing that is Chicago pizza (and Cubs baseball). When I am not eating pizza, I work as a training specialist for Lush Cosmetics! I have been with the company since 2011 and absolutely adore it.
     The race is something that God put on my heart back in 2010 (when I wasn’t even old enough for the trip). Needless to say, the fact that I am actually going on the World Race is still a little surreal. Truly, words fail to adequately describe how incredibly blessed I feel to be entering this season (with such a stellar group of other racers). I am aware that this will be a crazy, intense, hard, messy, awesome, scary and life-altering adventure, and I cannot wait to see what the Lord has in store for my squad and I. In the meantime, please be praying as we prepare to launch in January!