About this time two years ago I stood in a line of about 40 strangers that would soon be as close as family. I held a sheet of paper with my signature on it that meant so much more than the few words stated. I said yes to the World Race. A program that the Father would use to do so much work in and through me. A stepping stone that has taken everything that I am and altered it.

My words.

My actions. 

How I view myself and others.

How I live my everyday life.

Refinement. Restoration. Wholeness.

It has been a crazy cool journey indeed. Last week I stood in that same line holding the same sheet of paper with my signature on it. This time there is a whole new weight and beauty attached to it. Now I am on the flip-side of the world race gap year, literally. Alumni Team Leading wasn’t something I wanted for this season in the beginning. I was becoming very content with the 9 to 5 at Starbucks, living with a group of close friends and spending my free time water coloring at coffee shops. But the moment that my beautiful squad of 42 humans showed up at the airport my heart was overwhelmed with love and joy for them. My prayer from the beginning was this, “break my heart for what breaks yours and theirs”. That’s what He did. Training camp was 14 days of complete CRAZINESS. It came and went so dang fast. Let me brag on W squad real quick okay:


You know the expression, “our ceiling is their floor”? Meaning that where we have left off in our journey is their starting place. They are incredibly self-aware, caring and vulnerable. They are hilarious- for real I laughed so hard I cried basically every day. They are fierce and have so much grit. Genuine. Beloved.

 While training camp was physically and emotionally exhausting, I would do it all over again in a heartbeat. Seeing them grow over the past two weeks makes me the most excited for the field. I CANNOT wait to do life with them in Guatemala. I am excited to see how the Lord uses the next 9 months to get a hold of their hearts and transform their lives. I can’t wait to grow alongside of them. I think more than anything I feel so privileged and honored to do this with them. To be a part of it.


My prayer for us these next 6 weeks as we prepare for launch is that we implement all of the tools and lessons learned at training camp NOW. Don’t wait for the field. Following the Father with 110% of everything we have is so, so worth it. I pray that we remember the authority the Lord calls us to walk in. That we will call each other higher as men and women of honor. That we will be quick to intercede for one another and quick to listen. The World Race can change your life, but only if you allow the Father space to do radical things in and through you. I believe in you. The Father is so proud of your YES. Keep that yes in your spirit each and every day and remember why you committed to this in the first place. You can do this. It in no way is going to be easy, but it will be worth it. I can promise you that. See you soon, W. I love y’all more than you know.