A lot of people I know have a place with the Lord. A corner of their brain where they go to be at peace with Him, to wrestle through hard things, or to simply sit back and praise Him for the wonders of His creation. For the longest time, I didn’t have a specific place. Sometimes when I was at peace I would meet Him at the Ocean, or when I felt sad and alone it was a silent canyon with so much space surrounding me. This past week one of my squad mates had the idea to have a prayer/worship night. A portion of my squad stayed up from 9 P.m. to 7 A.m. and fasted sleep to spend more time with the Lord. So, for those 10 hours we worshiped, we talked about our struggles, we journaled, cried, laughed and during one hour we had a time of silence. During this time I asked the Lord for a place- a place where we could just meet whenever I needed to talk. And this time instead of taking me somewhere, He asked me to create a perfect place. Being in a time of missing home and Wisconsin in general, I picked the great white north- the woods. All around me was trees, trees, trees, and right next to me was a long river that went straight in one direction.
He began to speak into the scenery, and this is what he said, ” the long river is flowing, endlessly just like my love. I’m leading you beside this stream and in this forest because I want you to have the sweet rest you so desire. The forest is all around you, nature is on your left and right. You don’t have to look very far to see my creation and how I do intricately formed every leaf- just like I uniquely made you. The branches bend down to bow before me, or point up to praise me. Lay in the meadow, sit back and enjoy my presence.”

As I layed in that meadow, I sat and watched the clouds go by. I saw a butterfly rest on delicate flower, and felt the breeze as it blew through my hair. I smiled at just how intentional the father is, and how He romances us all so differently.

This month is about rest. It’s about just being with the Lord, basking in His love and presense, and thanking Him for all of the peace and joy He brings.