Since I applied for the World Race, people have commonly confused it with the Amazing Race, (the reality TV show). When I first got accepted, I kept catching my Dad telling people that I was going on the Amazing Race… The names may be similar, but the two 'races' and their purpose couldn't be any more different. 

While the Amazing Race is a reality tv show; a competitive race around the world between teams of two with tasks to complete in each region to keep from being eliminated… THE WORLD RACE is a race around the world for God's kingdom, our teams' task: to share the good news of our Saviour and spread the love of God in tangible ways in every country we travel to. The Amazing Race is for man's glory and entertainment,  THE WORLD RACE is for God's glory!

I am so enthusiastic to embark on this race of 11 countries in 11 months, (with a squad of approximately sixty, my team of about 6-7 people), to meet the needs of people around the world. I hope you will share in my excitement and passion for this mission trip as well!