Es de noche…. We flew into Guatemala in the darkness… I don’t know where I’m going, I don’t know what I’ll be doing, not really anyway… but I’m still going… you can do that sort of thing when God is directing your steps…. My faith in the Lord helped me untuck the tail from between my legs and give up my scaredy cat persona… I’m on the plane and I’m not going back. I’m in God’s hands, the perfect place to be venturing into the unknown.

As it stands today, just a few days into our time here in GC, the bare minimum facts…

Our first month of ministry we will be working alongside The Street Revolution ministry (a non-profit Christian organization) in Guatemala City.  We will primarily be working with street youth, specifically a group of young men that our host has been working with for years, as well as high risk children living at/near the bus terminals, ministering in a center for battered women, and also interacting with young women working on ‘The Line’ in prostitution.

Check out and their facebook page to learn more.

As far as living conditions go, we will be very spoiled our first month of the race. We are living at the new training center…where we all have beds, bathrooms with hot showers, home cooked meals every day, frequent free access to internet, and much more. One of the women on the organization’s staff is nosotros madre de casa – our house mom, she is such a joy. Our contact, his family, and the ministry staff are already a huge blessing to all of us. It is a great beginning to our 11 month journey.

As we continue along this journey, please continue to pray for myself, my team, my squad, our ministries, our hosts/contacts, and those we minister to and interact with.


P.S. Day 1, my flip flops broke. Day 3, I had to cover up a hole in the wall with glow in the dark duck tape during the night; large ants were crawling out of it near my teammate’s bed.  1st world problems… After working on the streets just a few days, I’m so grateful to even have a roof over my head, a bed to sleep in, and shoes to wear (let alone, multiple pairs).