It’s been a little over a year since I was accepted onto the world race and began this wild journey! It was then that raising $17,000 seemed like a long shot, but the support letters, fundraising, and planning started anyway. Seven months later I was packed and ready to leave for the World Race and I couldn’t have done it without any of you. Those of you who have sat with me at garage sales, catered dinners, encouraged me, introduced me to people who wanted to support me, those who have prayed an interceded for me, and anyone who has financially supported it me in anyway big or small, Thank you for your support.

I have now been on the race for five months. Can you believe it is already month five?!

So in celebration of almost reaching the halfway point I am going to recap.

We spent the first three months in South America, in the countries of Peru, Ecuador, and Colombia. A lot of my teams’ ministry there was teaching English and helping out in the churches our hosts pastored. Then month four was spent in Greece where we got to work in a refugee camp. There we built relationships and just loved on everyone as hard as we could throughout our stay. After Greece we were given team changes. That is when the leaders change the people we live and do ministry with everyday. With my new team we then traveled to Montenegro, where we are now. We are staying in a small beach town called Bar. Our ministry this month has been to go around town, become regulars at places, and build relationships with people in hopes of getting the opportunity to share Christ with them. From here we will then be headed to Tirana Albania for month 6.

My experiences have been mind blowing to say the least. I believe that this is exactly where the Lord wants me. I have seven months left of this crazy journey the Lord has put me on, but to continue I need your help. My deadline to be fully funded has passed, and I still have not met it. Luckily there is grace in these kinds of things. I still need to raise $4,600 to stay on the field.

So I ask you to consider to join me and my squad on Monday May 16th. We will be fasting and praying together as several of my other squad mates still need funding as well.

If you want to join us at the same time, you can fast Sunday May 15th at 7 pm (CST) to 7 pm (CST) on Monday. 

I know God will do big things. I can’t wait to see how He shows up!