It has been almost a month since I left for Training Camp, and  to say that I have processed everything that happened at camp  would be a lie. It felt like I asked for a drink of water, but instead got a fire hose opened at my face! A lot of information, and so little time!

I had 10 days to learn the ins-and-outs  of missionary work, to start or continue to allow God to heal the brokenness that the world had put on my heart, and to form bonds with people I  had never met outside of facebook and text messages. In my head, I deemed this impossible! You see, I put God in a box. I had allowed myself to live like His love, grace, and forgiveness was limited without even realizing I was doing so. Not only did I create this box but I stiff armed it, keeping it at a safe distance. By doing this, I limited the Lord in my life, and along with that, I limited the amount of love, grace, forgiveness, patience , and strength that I had to give.

So imagine my surprise when the love I started to feel for my squad mates exceeded the amount I have ever felt for anyone. Or when I pushed  past my physical limits to hike and carry teammates up and down hills.  Or when I found the strength to share parts of myself I swore I never would share with  people I had just met. Not only did God blow open the box I had put our relationship in, He showed me that the only thing that was holding me back was me.