Why I am thankful for the gifts He didn’t give….


I like to think that I am a very transparent person. A woman that is open and forthcoming about her joys, hurts, dreams, struggles, accomplishments, and even shortcomings..


This past week I was driving to the Metro station when I started to have a conversation with myself.. 🙂 Yes, I talk to myself while driving.

Like so many times before I started to just evaluate my life..

Immediately I made a mental list of the things that I didn’t have..

-Nice Car


-Awesome LSAT score

– Dream Boyfriend

-Nice Paying job


I don’t have any of these things, but in that same moment I started to ask God “why?”.. Why haven’t you given me these things? Why do you have me in this season?…


And God simply gave me revelation of self in that moment…


In a quiet voice, He asked, “Would you really be willing to pick up everything and go on the World Race if you had all of these things?”

Many would have just said, “Of course God”… but my answer was a big fat “No”.

 That was my real answer and it is justified by worldly logic. So, No. No I would not leave my nice paying career job, dream boyfriend, car, degree, and awesome LSAT score to serve on The World Race.

At the end of our conversation God had showed me… Me. He showed me my displaced heart and affections for worldly success and material things. I immediately repented for putting those things before Him. I had unknowingly made idols out of things I simply considered #Goals.

 I’m so happy that God corrects those who He loves because out of my repentant heart sprang a well of immense gratitude toward The Father. The lesson started to become clear..

In that moment I became thankful for everything that I didn’t have! He knows us better than we know ourselves…O how He Loves us enough to withhold things that we simply aren’t ready for.. Or things we may never need to reach our destiny…

The World Race is all about abandoning our comfortable lives to serve others in some of the world’s most desolate countries! So, maybe this blog is for you.. What has you so comfortable and complacent that it’s keeping you from answering the call of God on your life? I challenge you to put it in its rightful place and run towards Christ with all you have! For some it may simply mean your priorities are out of order, but for others it may mean abandoning that thing completely! Remember anything you put before Christ is a god/idol and the word says.. Thou shall have no other gods before me. (Exodus 20:3).

 Love You Guys to Life!
