Currently, I am sitting here listening to A Little Longer by Bethel.. Pretty awesome song. 


-Swaziland -South Africa -Malaysia -Thailand -Botswana

-Dominican Republic -Jamaica -Nepal -India -Haiti -Cambodia


11 Countries in 11 Month! All for God’s glory! whewww…


Here are the top 10 things that have gone through my mind since my acceptance to July 2015 Route 3. 


1. God, I know I asked to go to the Nations, but God are you sure

2. What am I going to do with my hair for 11 months? (Honesty is the Best policy)

3. At which month will I become homesick

4. God what amazing-ness will come forth from this missions trip? 

5. Will I see a Lion? If so, what will I do.

6. What will I do if/when my stomach decides to act funny?… Which it ALWAYS does so inconveniently.

7. Am I prepared? 

8. What if I don’t graduate in the Spring as planned? (I am totally okay with finishing my degree later!)



………….. OK, so there are just eight. 

I like to put it all out there….

When I first applied to the race, I was completely gung-ho (I think thats the term), but fear slowly began to creep in.. I had to realize fear has no place in the deep…Only FAITH. The very God who brought me to The World Race will be the same God who will see me through every step of this journey. 


To fear I leave you. You are NOT welcomed on my World Race. 

To Faith I say let us go to new heights!

To YOU reading this blog, simply Welcome. Welcome to Ms. Positivityy’s world race! I will share my heart with you through this blog, so make sure you keep reading… 


Wait before you leave…


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Follow me on Instagram: @Mspositivityy