Hello Beautiful People!

I wanted to share my next fundraising challenge with you all! It is called The World Race Pick-A-Number Challenge! You pick any number on the chart and then commit to giving that amount to my mission trip! For example, if you pick number 1, then you would give $1. Pretty simple. If all the numbers are picked, I will reach my first fundraising goal of $3,500. This may seem like much for the average person, but I know that god is Great! Also, I have picked 11 numbers, that if chosen will get a special prize (May the odds be ever in your favor)!!!

You can give two ways:

1) By clicking the “Support Me!” tab on my web page (alexisharris.theworldrace.org).

2) OR you can write a check to Adventures in Mission (P.O. Box 742570, Atlanta, GA 30374-2570) and putting my name in the memo line (Alexis Harris).

If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask!


With all this information said, would you prayerfully consider picking a number and helping to further the Kingdom of God!?