I am officially on my sixth month of the World Race! I can’t believe it. This month marks the middle of the 11-month journey. We are in the country of Nepal. I have done incredible things, seen beautiful places, met wonderful people, and served in a variety of amazing ways, but one thing is so evident about this race: it is not about me.

            I knew this to be true before going on the race. In fact, it was one of the main reasons I wanted to do an 11-month mission trip. I wanted to serve and love others around the world. This has happened over these past 6 months, and I am incredibly grateful for being able to do so. Painting, digging, playing, hugging, praying, cooking, and loving are just some of the ways I have served the nations.

            I have received so many encouraging emails and messages from my family and friends telling me how proud they are of me and that they are praying for me. I have felt so loved by my family, friends, and supporters. But truly something the Lord has shown me over and over is that it has nothing to do with me. I am just a vessel for His work to be done around the world.

            I am so thankful that you and I can play a part in Jesus’s plan for the world. There are so many hurting people. I have legitimately seen it first hand. There are kids who live on the streets without moms and dads, families who live in wood shacks, victims of genocidal regime that ruled their country, and dying people who can’t even pay for medical care. It is heart breaking. That is why He calls for people like you and me to be a part of His plan to help His hurting children. It is all about what He is doing! It is about Jesus Christ.

             Nepal is the fastest growing church in the world right at this very moment. That is crazy awesome! God is doing amazing things. He is loving His children, providing for the poor, causing the blind to see, and making the lame to walk. And the best part about it is that is has nothing to do with me! It is all God’s doing around the world. He is healing, saving, and redeeming. I just get to be apart of it. It is a privilege that the Lord allows me to go to work with Him everyday, like the very good Dad that He is.

            Starting tomorrow my team and I are going on a 15-day trek through the Himalayas to visit a bunch of Nepali villages. They have little or no electricity or running water. We are going to encourage the local pastors, pray for the people, and help where we can. We are traveling by foot with just our backpack and the strength of the Lord. It is so exciting that God would give us this amazing opportunity to share the Gospel to these people groups.

            There is still so much more work to do. The Lord has 5 more months of work for me to do in His Kingdom on the World Race. But I need your help. I need over $1,200 to finish the race, and I need to raise this money by March 1st! That is less than one month. And I will not have any WIFI to contact people during the next month to fundraise. So if you can, please be a part of this mission work and donate to me while I am gone trekking through the mountains of Nepal.

            It is not about me, and it is not about you. It about Jesus Christ! He is doing amazing things around the world, and He allows us to be a part of it. So if you can, please continue to support His mission by donating and praying.

Thank you, Heavenly Father, for inviting us to go to work with You in the nations.