I am shocked by the amount of support I have from my family. Support is everything with this Race. Financially but most importantly emotionally. There may be doubters & non believers, but the love & prayer I have been receiving out weighs all of that negativity. There will always be doubters in the world… People who try to bring you down. I keep reminding myself that it’s just the devil talking. It’s a test to show how strong my faith is in the Lord. & it is growing every day. 

My parents are more supportive than I could ever have imagined. From the moment I told them about the World Race I have received nothing but kind words & prayer from my mom & dad. I am extremely blessed to have that support system at home. 

The support from others as well has kept me going. There are days where I am down & out. Days where I doubt myself in raising the financial part of this journey. But the constant prayer & support I receive, from family & friends, has shown me that He does listen. That He WILL provide! 

To all of my fellow racers. Have no fear. Things may seen slow & impossible with raising donations… but my advice is to just keep praying! If you feel God is calling you to do this, than He will make a way. I pray for my group everyday to have that walk on water faith! 

Can’t wait to start this journey with my new family!