Yesterday at work I had a patient give me a book. We had talked about the Race at his previous appointment & he was so excited for me! So when he gave me this book, he said he thought of me when he saw it because it was about a new missionary. He thought it might bring me peace & inspiration. Talk about what an amazing man of God he is. But, not only did he give me the book, he also told me that he left a bookmark in the book for me. As I opened the book I saw there was $50 inside. I looked at him with a questioned look & he responded that it was to help towards my trip. & ofcourse the emotional part of me started to cry. I was so emotional because I have been praying to God for some help with my donations. Like most people, I’ve been having some difficulty getting people’s attention to help me for this trip.  So seeing my prayers answered & God’s work being done right before my eyes was very emotional for me. Prayer works. Speaking to Him works! Never doubt Him or yourself. He will make a way for you.