I grew up in church! I watched Veggie Tales and corny video’s over stories in the bible. I learned embarrasing dance moves and did them proudly with my sunday school class. I grew old enough to sit in “big church” and learned the meaning of worship at an early age. The name of God was not foreign in our house.
I was recently listening to a sermon when the pastor asked this,
“If someone handed you a bible today, without any foreknowledge of religion or of who God is, how would you believe? What would your faith look like?”
Holy Batman! I have not a clue! Faith has always been a part of my life and to only learn about it through scripture would honestly be so hard!
If I were put in the situation where my only source of knowing God was scripture, well, I would like to think I would surpass all misunderstandings. I would like to think that I would stand in front of the church and be able to call out all of the miscontrued beliefs, that I would be the Truth Speaker, The Fact Finder, The Real Deal, what ever you prefer to call me. Let’s be honest it would take years of studying to understand the bible without the help of those around me. With all that studying, and little commentary from the “peanut gallery” as mom calls it, surely I would be the Queen of scripture, right?
With all that being said, I have to face reality, we need the guidance of others. Matter of fact, the bible itself teaches of leading by example; Hebrews 13:7, “Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith.” Scripture also speaks on being excited and sharing this wonderful, life giving love that you receive in Christ Psalm 105:1, “Give praise to the lord, proclaim His name; make known among the nations what he has done!”
Incredible isn’t it? Without the bible, how would we be able to develop the unique encounter in Christ Jesus that we all long for? How would we “check our sources” so to speak. However, without relationship, without those crazy people who spread God’s love thicker than peanut butter across the nation, no one would ever even consider picking up a bible to begin with. A relationship with our heavenly father takes action, knowledge, humility and acceptance. It takes more than the book of life, more than a whisper in your ear. So set aside some time, who is this God you believe in? Why do you believe like you do and who are you going to tell about it?
I know who I am going to tell! Missouri, Columbia, Cambodia, Peru, Spain, Thailand, Malaysia, Phillipines, Montengro, Bulgaria, Ecuador, Serbia and so so many more places— here I come, prepare your hearts.. the time is coming, the time is now!