A lot has happened since the last time I shared a blog. We left the refugee school in Indonesia and flew to a neighboring country, Malaysia. We spent a few days debriefing and resting in Malaysia before heading to Singapore where we stayed with the Kraft family.
During our stay at the Krafts we learned what it was like to live on a budget in an expensive country. We learned that if you’re going to get sick, Singapore is the place to do it. We learned to find our rhythm in Christ and as a team. We learned how to support each other in times of struggle, and we learned what true friendship looks like. Big thank you to the Kraft family who provided food, lodging and many other comforts of home.
We are now back in Malaysia with one less team member, soft hearts and a heavy passion. We came here ready to serve but with limited options for lodging. We found a place, costing more than we could afford. We could only book for two nights and we would use that time to come alongside the Lord in ministry.
In two days we asked Jesus for two things, lodging and ministry connections.
Day 1:
We did our research and found an orphanage that we hoped would provide both needs. We walked to st. Joseph’s home, hoping they would be the answer to our prayers. If I’m being honest, I had already played out how this would go. We would show up to the children’s home and they would be so excited to see us that they would take us in and put us to work right away. Much to my chagrin, this was not what happened. Apparently, the organization has a process for volunteers to go through that allows them to keep the children safe! Oops, probably didn’t think that all the way through. We were given a business card and asked to contact the administrator.
Regardless of our anticlimactic attempt, we remained excited as we began making our way back to the hostel. Just a few feet outside of the home we began seeing all of the signs asking for volunteers. All of the businesses on this little street had one thing in common, they were all a part of an organization called The Lighthouse. With each Lighthouse business we saw, my heart began to beat a little faster. What was this place and where could I sign up!? We stopped at The Lighthouse restaurant and decided to take a look at their menu. Really, I was just hoping someone … anyone there would come and ask us questions. Before you ask, yes, I had planned out this encounter as well.
I would be casually looking for something to eat and someone would appear saying “The lord has sent you to wash thy dishes and mop thy floors. I have seen your faces in my dreams, you are the answer to our prayers.” Im excited to report, I was wrong yet again.
A man opened the door and asked us to come in to eat. We had not discussed this with our treasurer so we tried to politely decline. They would not accept a no, so in the doors we went. They had just finished platting and taking pictures of their food and just needed someone to help eat. We, with our servant hearts, could not refuse. We had to work diligently, but yes, we were able to put ourselves aside and eat what was freely given. And… it… was… good. Thank you Jesus.
We asked the gentleman there about what The Lighthouse was and how we could get plugged in. The Lighthouse was an organization designed to help feed, clothe and house those less fortunate. The businesses were all designed to bring in funds that kept the ministry running. We were handed a pamphlet with endless outreach opportunities! We then met with the administrator and were given her info. Because this was a team decision, we still had no lodging, and we hadn’t confirmed anything with Jesus, we needed to wait to say yes.
Since The Lighthouse wouldn’t be able to provide a place to stay we would have to do some research that night.
In faith, we contacted St Joseph’s home and a YWAM base in Penang.
Day 2:
Remember our requests? Lodging and ministry.
Well, the administrator of the children’s home never responded to us but Ed from YWAM responded the following day letting us know that the team staying there was leaving and he needed volunteers. Our hearts were full. We had ministry and we had lodging.
After arriving at the YWAM base we were introduced to a number of opportunities that would allow us to get to work serving the Lord and his people. There were refugee schools, sex trafficking ministry, homeless ministry, prayer rooms and more.
While I was excited to work with YWAM, I also felt that the connection we had made with the LightHouse was an important one.

After praying into it, and also running into the other Fusion team on the streets here in Penang, we gave the contact info to the other team and they were excited to have found a place to volunteer. They had been praying for opportunities. They just didn’t realize the Lord was providing through their fellow squad mates.
So there you have it. We are out here in Penang, Malaysia, serving the homeless, working with schools, volunteering in shops and with sex trafficking ministry.
We asked, and the floodgates opened. Jesus has provided beyond what I thought to be possible. So much has happened, I cannot wait for what is to come.
Prayerfully marching on,