Dear Fusion Squad.

On January 12th, 2018 each of us strapped on our backpacks, slid into a car and traveled to the nearest airport. We left our homes, our families, our jobs and chose into something bigger than ourselves. We said yes to the idea of abandonment, completely unaware of what we were getting into.
Our year began in a furry of excitement and an abundance of unknowns.
As we traveled we began to tell stories, share testimonies and build relationship. It wasn’t long before we realized just how different we were individually and how powerful we were together.
The different characteristics of Jesus are displayed so perfectly in each of us. Whether it be
The JOY of Haley,
The PEACE of Christazia,
The ADVENTURE of Forrest,
The LOVE of Grace,
The HONOR of Jesse,
The PASSION of Jordan,
The WILLINGNESS of Rodolfo,
The STRENGTH of Vanessa,
The FIGHT of Jackie,
The HEART of Emily
The WISDOM of Wade,
The BOLDNESS of Akelea,
The FAITH of Joshua,
Or The KINDNESS of Kate, we have all gleaned something from one another.
We walked through the good, the bad and at times… the ugly. We have laughed together, encouraged one another, embraced confrontation and fought through the straight up awkward. We have taken a crash course in what the “Church” looks like and came out forever changed in the end.
We stumbled into training camp as strangers and walked out as family.
Today, after a year of adventure together and a few less members, we stand at the airport ready to go our separate ways. Each of us taking a different path that leads us to the same God. Our hearts beat with a new hunger and our eyes radiate with the whimsy of the Holy Spirit.
We stand with a resounding strength and an extraordinary peace.
We are FUSION 2018.
And the adventure has only begun.