Well hello there!

My name is actually Alexandria but I prefer Alex! I was born into a family of 5 kids and two incredible parents. I am here to tell you that middle child syndrome does exist and that I have been a victim of this disease since my youngest sibling was born in 1999.

I am currently an aspiring author, working on book number three! I haven’t published any books because that requires writing about me as well, and we all know how this is turning out! 😉 I grew up in a home that I guess you could say is more traditional but not without it’s many battles. My family has fought and won many spiritual battles and with God, we are a force to be reckoned with.

Coffee is my Jam!!!! I will drink it cold, hot, frozen, cream, no cream, black, with sugar you name it, I want it all just try to stay away from all those weird syrup flavors, eeeek! I enjoy cooking, that doesn’t mean I am good at it, that just means I enjoy it and burnt food is still food! 

I like trying knew things, I am usually scared at first but once I take a new step I don’t regret it. I’d like to think I am adventurous but that’s not always true! My best friend in the whole world is my brother, Noah. Much to his chagrin, he is the first person I tell anything to. 

One of my favorite scriptures is 1 Corinthians 3:1-3. I know its not your normal uplifting scripture but it is challenging. One of my pastors posed a question regarding this scripture on a Sunday morning that I will never forget. He said he understood that, yes, we are “human” yes we are “imperfect people” and we are going to mess up, but when did that truth become an excuse? Whaaaat? Yeah I know, its a hard question to swallow but it is something that challenges me to grow and growing in my faith is the key to being me.

I hope you enjoyed all my randomness, because this is me!!