I remember counting down to the days until I left the United States. I was wondering what to expect and what my team was capable of when talking about God and letting their love radiate. Because of them my first few weeks on The World Race has been an amazing journey! I’ve had the oppurtunity to love on kids and pray for peoples health physically and spiritually. it has been easier for me to communicate with the locals because I can speak the native language. You may think speaking Spanish is only a blessing but sometimes it’s difficult. I’ve had conversations with locals that lead to talk with Jesus and taught me a lot about their culture and beliefs. On the other hand, I’ve had stressful conversations with taxi drivers that made me feel threatened and I knew that was a way the devil was trying to get to our team. I remained calm and we got home safe. Our team is rooting our identity in Christ so whatever the devil throws at us, we‘re going to overcome it. It’s only been like 4 weeks since we met but our family bond is so strong and we’re ready to compete in this race.