Ministry here in Serbia changed daily! 

One day we spent a whole day in Kula, Serbia at a Kids Camp giving messages and spending time with kids doing things like arts and crafts, jumping on the trampoline, having water fights, and worshiping. Here is a video to give you a little insight on what our day looked like. Enjoy! 

A couple of us have also been spending our evenings at a park near by the church. This includes swinging, playing basketball, throwing the football, soccer, and whatever else the local kids want to do.

Every day our ministry host, Zoli gave us practical work to do. For example, cleaning the church and the garage, painting benches and rooms, gathering and organizing clothes for a free yard sale and we spent a day helping a lady from the church clean her yard. 

Last Saturday night we had a magic show. Ian Wray from Team Paradosis used his talents to share the gospel. 

A few women from the church get together and do a bible study once a month and I had the privilege of joining them this month. A few girls were asked to share testimonies and the Lord placed it on my heart to share mine. It was an amazing experience for me because it was the first time that I got to verbalize in detail the things God has done in my life. Each one of these women are steadfast in the Lord and each have amazing stories. I will remember this day for the rest of my life. 

This is just a few of the amazing opportunities I had to serve. I am so grateful for your continuous prayers.

Month 1 in Sombor, Serbia is officially over and my heart will never be the same.