At the beginning of this month we had an open window of time to decide where to go. As a team we got together and started praying about where God wanted us to be. A lot of people felt lead to go to Panama City, Florida to do disaster relief. After three days of calling different places in PCB we had about given up, there was no room for us. Locals that had been affected by Hurricane Michael filled the churches and hotel rooms. We had come to a point where we needed to decide to move forward or change directions. We all got together and starting praying. God was still making it very clear that Panama City was the place. We sat in the floor looking at each other kind of puzzled.

How are we supposed to pull this off?

Where are we supposed to stay?

Do we sleep in the van?

All of these questions filled the room.

Matthew 6:26 “Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?

Deep down we knew if we stepped out in faith God would provide everything we needed.

So we decided to say yes and go for it even though we had a lot of unanswered questions.

We had committed to three days of labor with Samaritan’s Purse before knowing if we had a place to lay our heads.

Before we arrived in PCB God had already provided that place. Realizing all he wanted from us was a yes in the midst of the unknown.

It turned out to be the best few days. Not knowing what we were getting ourselves into we arrived at the church base where Samaritans purse was set up. It only took a few seconds to realize why God had lead us there. We were put on a team with some incredible people that took us in and showed us the way.

We served local home owners that had been affected by the hurricane back in October. We saw a lot of destruction, devastation, and broken people. But we also got to see God bring light to the darkness in Panama City, we got to see Him give hope to people that had lost everything, and He used us to be His hands and feet to restore homes while He restored their hearts.


For our team to remain on the field doing ministry around America we each need to raise $8,000.

If you would like to be a part of this journey that God has called each of us to there are multiple ways to get involved.

Financially, you can click donate at the top of the page.

Prayerfully, you can be praying for His provisions, clarity on direction, and boldness.

Let’s bring the kingdom to our neighbors together.

With love & surrender,
