I. Am. Tired.
The last few weeks have been really difficult for me. I’ve gotten to the point where all I want to do is go home. I want to go home and be with my family and all the comforts of home.
I’m exhausted.
I’m tired of living in community 24/7.
I’m tired of feeling restricted by leadership.
I’m tired of getting my heart broken every time I leave a country.
I’m tired of traveling every 20 days.
Fact is, I’m done. I’m ready to get back to “normal” or “reality”.
As I sit with the Lord pouring out my heart and trusting that He will take care of it.
I’ve realized that this is my reality. This is where God has placed me for right now.
I’m not doing this alone, He is my strength.
I’m not going through these struggles alone, He is right beside me.
Encouraging me.
Loving me.

Reality is…
He sent me out to the nations. I am His disciple, I must deny myself and pick up my cross daily and follow Him.
Follow Him with my whole entire being.

And that’s what I’m choosing to do..
I’m choosing to love my community even when it’s hard.
I’m choosing to respect leadership and their authority over me.
I’m choosing to give my whole heart to every person I meet knowing it’s going to break when I have to say goodbye.
I’m choosing to look at travel days as an adventure.
I’m not going back to what I feel like normal is because God called me here and I’m choosing to face what he has put in front of me with excitement.
Life on the race isn’t always sunshine and rainbows, a lot of the time it’s storms but its storms that I can continually overcome because He is my strength.