My teammate Carolyn wrote in her journal all of the blessings (big & small) we received during the first couple of months. No specific order & a lot missed but not forgotten. We are so grateful for all of these blessings & the ones not listed. If you have supported financially or prayerfully you have also played a huge part in these blessings coming to fruition, know that you are loved & appreciated!
- Megan opening her home
- Dinner with Tom & Debbie
- Worship Night on the beach
- Lauren inviting us in
- Being able to go into the school & work with the counseling/tutoring center
- Prayer for her son in Fort Benning
- BBQ at Fence peoples house
- The send: seeing each other – alumni meet up
- Hearing Francis Chan’s message
- Volunteering
- Time just to be in Orlando
- Golfing with team
- Time with Ryan
- Being on the beach in Panama
- Time with Huffman’s
- Seeing God come through on ATL time
- Team Cohesivity
- Debrief
- Time with Stacie
- Time with Ashley
- Church hospitality
- Seeing God work with our car wash
- Blessings from Dosson’s family & friends
- Church dinner
- Restaurant dinners
- Time with friends
- Time at school with Cole
- Keystone Project
- Teaching
- Community
- Time with Alumni at mini Asian market
- Time with Amber’s family – Outback Steakhouse
- Car for alumni/Melissa has a place for her car
- Monthly spending money for Melissa
- Sam’s gas card from lady for cheaper gas as we’re about to drive away
- My mom sending us a SAM’s club card
- Dede bought Carolyn Chi Tea Latte from Hi Five Coffee Shop
- God confirmed to Dosson to give shoes
- Lauren’s family timeshare for rest!
- Snacks from shelter – mutual edification
- Blanket for Alleigh & Melissa
- $25 REI money & bag
- United tithe for us – lunch for us
- Friendships with United
- Testimonies from shelter
- Cruise control
- Time with Corbyn’s family
- Dinner with David & Shelia
- Brandon editing our photos
- Shelby’s family & church
- Frosty with Karen
- Church prayer over us & our route
- Haverkos family
- Candace dinner for us & money
- Sara’s hospitality
- Corbyn’s parents cooking dinner & doing worship with us
- Zach & Hannah’s friendship
- Mama cook letting us stay 2 days & food
- Greg giving us the car rack
- Stuff being on sale in stores
- Valentines from Alleigh’s mom
- Getting housing with Katelyn
- Getting to help run a car show
- Food – provisions! From all the people we were with
- Mimi —- her love & hospitality
- Getting to see Amber’s baby born
- Getting to ATL at Carmen’s in Austin, Texas
- Carmen & Taylor’s abundant hospitality
- Dinner with Niki & family
- Talking with homeless man in downtown Austin
- Time with Eythan & Chandler
- Spending time with their community
- Food, fellowship, camp fire, worship
- Meeting wind, fire & zeal
- Going to the concert with them
- Opportunities in Bonham
- Using their youth room for housing
- Food from their community
- Ken & his wisdom & cooking
- Food bank ladies
- The pastor & Randal & Rex’s hospitality
- Time at Delk’s
- Time with Alex’s family, food, fishing
- Cowboy church — food
- Ability to share our testimonies
- Their willingness to partner with us
- Charles Dennis
- Daniel & Hanna’s hospitality, time, talks
- Chef Ben (from camp)
- Genevieve, her friendship & fellowship
- Bethel concert
- Time with Carolyn – roomed together
- Grand Canyon – fellowship & evangelism
- Time with Ryan – his fellowship & generosity
- Sedona – hiked Devils Bridge
- Canadian Ladies
- The pilot we met
- The camp couples
- Coconino Pine flats
- Games & fellowship with camp community
- God providing a space of solace; Nature
- Team time, conflict resolution, meals & movies together in the tent
- The couple who lent us their canopy in the rain
- Free wood
- Cheap tent off of Facebook Market Place
- Dutch Bro’s owner
- The bird watching couple
- Housing in Vegas: YWAM, Aly & Henry
- Josh, Rita, Dave
- Josh taking us around San Diego
- Rita & Dave opening us their home
- Aunt Mary & John, their energy, their conversations
- Secret Garden
- Hebrew Class
- Bethany & Shawn & kiddos, food, game night
- Escape room
- Cindy & Steve their wisdom, prayers & friendship
- Annie’s shop – food
- Visiting Jess’s family – food, fellowship
- Meeting Allison in Vintage shop at Joshua Tree
- Street Festival; atmosphere
- Jess’s friend housing us
- Spin the wheel – free tacos
- Stan & Karen’s donation, pizza, & gasoline
- Brooke & Lindsay
- Katheryn & Brian’s
- Riddick’s
- deHanns
- Gideon & wife cooking Indian food
- Ice cream from Tara
- Ability to prayer burn at Lighthouse
- Brooke getting a bike for Mike
- Mosaic Church service
- Riverside
- Yosemite, hiking, campsite
- Man, who let us stay on his property outside of National Park
- Safe travel