Dear family and friends, you all are at the TOP of my list of thankfulness. This list is everything I’m thankful for besides you. 🙂 

1. Clean toilets. This is at the tippy top of my short list of thankfulness. When I go to restaurants overseas I don’t judge them based on their food or coffee or service…I judge them based on how clean their bathrooms are. When you live with a squad of 47 people in one house with 5 toilets that can only be flushed ONE TIME A DAY you will understand. #crockpot

2. American healthcare. Have you ever been to a clinic in India? Don’t (unless you are dying…then go). I felt better before I walked into the clinic than I did when I left. The doctor put his hand on my forehead and said, “No fever” then casually prescribed me whatever medication he could think of. Seriously y’all, American healthcare is the absolute best healthcare in the entire world. Don’t take it for granted.

3. MY BED. Goodness gracious how I miss my sweet bed at home. I can sprawl out like a starfish and sleep like a rock. I have now slept on a blow-up air mattress pad for 3 out of 4 months on the Race. As much as I love my extra-long, extra-squeaky sleeping pad (#tallgirlprobz), there’s nothing like a comfy bed in your own home…that (hopefully) doesn’t have geckos crawling out from underneath it. Dr. Duensing, I will be seeing you when I get back to the States.

4. Fruits and veggies. Remember when you were a little kid and you hated eating spinach and carrots? All that changes when you go overseas and all you’re offered is rice or noodles for every single meal. I am grateful for the food I have had on the Race, but WOW, I miss honeycrisp apples and kiwi and celery and blueberries and sweet potatoes. Listen up kids, eat your fruits and veggies while you can.

5. Lice shampoo. NO ONE IS SAFE. Overseas pharmacies have their own version of lice shampoo…but it doesn’t get the job done. Dear Walgreens, please sell lice shampoo in Asia. Sincerely, Every Girl That Has Ever Been On The Race.

6. Hot showers. I truly have not had a problem taking cold showers on the Race…but you don’t realize how much dead skin you have until you don’t take hot showers. Bless up friends in America. Hot showers are the best.

7. Stovetops. If I make it out of the Race without burning my hand off from trying to light a gasoline tank stovetop I will count it a success.

8. Books. I don’t know about you, but I’m not a huge fan reading books on my iPhone or Nook or whatever fancy device they have now-a-days. There’s nothing quite like holding a book in your hand and being able to flip the pages and write all over it.

9. Washing machines. It hasn’t been bad hand-washing clothes on the Race, but I definitely have never realized how blessed I have been to have a washing machine and dryer at my home in the States. They make your clothes smell soooooo good and get all the nasty dirt out in no time! Washing machines are a #blessing.

10. Clean Water. This one should probably be at the top of the list. Alrighty friends in the States, next time you get in the shower at home try to go the entire shower without putting water in your mouth. You may not even realize you do it, but I promise you do. Having clean tap water at home is such a luxury. In most countries we can’t use the tap water for ANYTHING or you will get super sick for days. I never realized how blessed I have been to have been able to DRINK the tap water in the States. Here we have to get all of our drinking water from either a purifier or a “bubble”.


It’s already Thanksgiving Day on my side of the world. 

Mom, Dad, A.T., Kat, Ashtin, Pookie & Cooper…I miss y’all more than words can say. Have a blast spending time together and eating the best southern cooking for Thanksgiving. I truly am so thankful for each of you and thank God for y’all every day. Save me some pumpkin pie and deviled eggs! And Mom, next year let’s go watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade since you’ve always wanted to go. Love y’all! 


“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” -1 Thessalonians 5:16-18