Roses are red
Violets are blue
Squad leaders surprised us
That (certain) team changes were due
Tears were shed
Hugs were exchanged
Then off to Rwanda!
With a new team name
El Shaddai is what they call us
We might not know the definition
You shoulda seen us in Rwanda….
With our rough living condition
Our shower was a barrel of water
With worms squirming throughout
We figured we’d be better off
Of just going without
We went days without bathing
And slept 5 inches apart
We all prayed every night
“Please Caleigh, don’t fart!”
Next stop was Bolivia
Not knowing what to expect
We met Froilan (our host) 2 days in
And didn’t know when we’d see him next
We had a house to ourselves
With turtle bug friends
We used trash to decorate
And saw our home through a new lens
Off to a new country
Our expectations were high
We ended up in Tambo de Mora
Where all we ate were baked goods and pie
We may have gained 5 lbs
But we left an impression that would last
We played futbol with kids
And became carnies real fast
Peru was our last stop
Before we would get split apart
Month 9 was behind us
Then it was off to a new start
We’ve made memories forever
It’s been a good ride
We’ve laughed til we peed
….and some even cried
This isn’t goodbye
…It’s only 2 weeks…
Feedback is (finally) off
Catch ya later, geeks!
Al and Cait