I have some things I want to say.

Living with Jesus—it’s a magical thing. It’s messy, it’s hard, it’s risky…but at the same time it’s the most beautiful, glorious, life-giving thing you can ever choose to do with your precious life.

Going on the Race was one of the easiest, yet most difficult “yes’s” I’ve ever given Jesus. Giving up 11 months of my “American dream” style of life in Nashville wasn’t easy. It was difficult. There are people in my life that I love and care about so deeply in America, and it tore me up inside knowing I would spend the next 11 months missing them.

But one thing I’ve learned about living life with Jesus is this: He will always call you to take another courageous step into the wild with Him.

In the wild—in the unknown—is where you will experience His goodness, grace, and strength in ways you will never know unless you take that courageous first step of faith. I have spent nights on my sleeping pad on a dirty floor surrounded by bugs while crying myself to sleep wondering where God has been in the midst of my struggles. I have spent days on mountaintops (literally) worshipping the Lord as He painted the sunrise over the Himalayan mountaintops. And I’ve spent countless hours on buses and gone days without sleep just wondering when I will be back in a place of comfort again.

But life with Jesus was never promised to be comfortable. It was promised to be fulfilling. It was promised to be an adventure that takes you into deeper intimacy with the Maker with each passing day.

I didn’t know what God had in store for me when He called me to go on the World Race nearly 3 years ago. All I knew was that I was willing. And with a willing heart, God will surely use your life to experience the immeasurably more.