This can’t be real life. 

As our first month in Africa comes to a close, I am awestruck by the goodness the Lord has favored upon our squad for month 6 on the World Race. If you would have asked me 5 years ago what I would be doing in 2018…living in Africa would have never crossed my mind. But God has a funny way of inviting us into the plans He has for us. I am so blessed that God saw it fit to send me to Africa—because my life will never be the same.

There will be more blogs to come about what the Lord did this month..but as for now I’ll just leave you with this: 

I saw Jesus in the children. I saw Jesus in my squad mates. I saw Jesus in Worke- the kitchen mom that loves and prays more fiercely than any woman I have ever met in my entire life. I heard Jesus in my alone time for hours in the vast fields on the property. The presence of the Lord was evident in this place. God has taught me more about wisdom, trust, & hope in the Lord than I have ever experienced in my entire life. God has met me here, right where I am. Whether at the kitchen table in the mornings, the fields in the afternoon, or on the couch late into the night…the Lord never once failed to meet me right where I was at. Man, I seriously love the Lord. I can’t imagine what He has in store next. What a time to be alive!

Here’s a little video (okay but really you have to watch this video) to give you a little glimpse into what life looked like living on a farm…in the middle of nowhere…with 24 orphans…in Ethiopia. Watch the video to see what it was like!