Our squad has officially been in the country for 6 days (which feels like 6 years…time overseas goes by so much slower). We had a couple of crazy travel days which included cancelled flights, boujee hotels, meal vouchers that were worth more money than a weeks-worth of food on the Race (thanks Qatar airlines!), and traveling through the time-warp which is the Middle East.

Did you know that India-time is basically one day later than the central time zone in America? I didn’t either. That is until our whole squad boarded a flight and somehow time-traveled a day into the future. So with that, HELLO FROM TOMORROW.

Our first few days in India our entire squad stayed together for training from World Race Alumni about discipleship, redemptive gifts, and how to evangelize. It’s been a lot to take in, but I have enjoyed all of the material we’re learning.

After two days of training, our squad said “See ya later” to each other and off we went to different cities all across India to work with our ministries. My Team i61 (which stands for Isaiah 61) and Team Hesed packed up our oversized backpacks, got in our Uber in the middle of a monsoon, and went to the bus stop at Pillar 72 to catch our 8-hour bus ride through India. 

We are now at our ministry site in Southern India and couldn’t feel more blessed. We are staying in a super nice apartment with mattresses, fans, and WESTERN TOILETS THANK YOU JESUS!!!! We will be learning more about the ministry we will be working with in the days to come.

Thank you to everyone who has been praying for our squad. Your prayers are most definitely heard. We don’t exactly know what to expect for the rest of the month…but we are all looking forward to pressing into the awkward, uncomfortable, hard, joyous days ahead in this journey called life.

Loving from across the globe,
