Hey everyone!

Just a quick blog update to say that I will not have
internet for the next month! I will be back on April 1st!
I have been so honored to serve God and grow in my relationship with Him in the Philippines this month. I was ill for a solid 2 weeks [MUCH BETTER NOW and on the mend!] and although it has been absolutely miserable and painful at times, the Lord has gone beyond what I expected and met me where I was. He let me love Him with 100% of what I had.. even when all I had to offer was 2%.
He loves me, because He loves me, because He loves me, because He loves me…
[i will write a full blog about this when I get back!]

Thank you for your continued support.

Thank you for e-mailing me encouraging words of LIFE.

Thank you for continuing to put money in my support account
each month.

Thank you for Praying with the angels on my behalf!

Thank you for loving me.

Love Alexandra
may the beauty of the Lord our God rest upon us
and establish the works of our hands for us
yes, establish the works of our hands for us
psalm 90:17