5 weeks. 

After 52 full weeks in 2015 of planning, praying, fundraising, hoping, and dreaming.

After 40 weeks in 2016 actually on the field still praying, still fundraising, still hoping, and still dreaming…

Only 5 weeks stands between me and going home; 5 weeks before this particular season of my life will come to an end. 

How is is that this year can feel eternally long and lightning fast all at once? 

Alex and I decided to go on this trip in January of 2015, and I would be lying if I said that more time than not of that year was spent dreaming what the World Race would be like. The past two years of my life have had one clear purpose and direction, and that was the World Race.

Now I am faced with a much bigger challenge than leaving the states for 11 months to do a missions trip over seas. I am about to embark on the great adventure of coming home. 

As exciting as this is, it also comes with a bit of unease; what will this next season of my life even look like? What will I do? Where will I live? What car will I drive? How am I going to adapt to all of the changes that happened at home while I was gone? How well am I going to live out all of the changes that happened in ME this year? 

All of these questions and uncertainties! 

And I don’t know…I don’t know if this blog has a purpose at all. Maybe it’s this: pray for me. Pray for my squad, and all the racers who are about to end this year on the Race. 

Life back home is going to be foreign and strange. Adjusting to life back in the states will take time; even if it doesn’t seem like it should. Going back to things that are familiar is going to be the most unfamiliar feeling. Our lives have adjusted to this pace; to this life. Most of us will struggle to find our footing when we get home; like a sailor coming off of a ship that has been his home for 11 months, it is the land and not the ocean that feels off now.

And 5 weeks from today my squad, along with 6 others, will be coming home and into the next great adventure.