Howdy Folks! Caroline here.
Fun fact: I like lists. I mean, I really like lists. I love seeing everything that I need to do neatly organized in one place, and then seeing those things checked off one by one and completed. It makes me feel like I’m getting closer and closer to my goal. (Let’s be honest, it makes me feel like I’m in control.)
Since signing up for the race my life has been full of so many lists. To-do lists, to-buy lists, to-pack lists, to-clean lists, to-give away lists, to-save lists (you get the point). The only problem is I have not been able to check very many things off of those lists. So much of what needs to be done before the race in January are things that I cannot accomplish (at least, not any time soon!).
Those lists are full of things that are too time consuming, too expensive, and just generally too much outside of my control. So I have all these lists that keep getting longer and longer and not much to show for it. I cannot explain enough just how long these lists are, and in my eyes it seems like getting through them is utterly impossible.
In situations like this I tend to get a bit overwhelmed. OK…I panic. When thinking about raising almost $34,000 for The Race, buying all of the equipment we need, not to mention all of the bills, doctor’s visits, and work that comes from just day-to-day life, my emotions tend to get away from me.
But it’s in those moments that I hear the Lord whisper “I will supply all your needs from My riches in glory because of what Christ Jesus has done for you” (Philippians 4:19). Over and over again I hear him promise me that it will not be in my strength but in his that my future is secure. My hope does not come from checking things off of my list (No matter how much I enjoy it! ), but in God alone.
Every time a situation arises that looks impossible I see God rise to meet the challenge. And he doesn’t just provide, but He provides in abundance! He gives me more then I can even think to ask for.
I know that as Alex and I continue to trust in him He will continue to provide everything we need and more!