Be Bold. Be Patient. Those are the words that God has spoken to me at least a hundred times over the past two weeks. Why? Today, September 25, was our first financial deadline for this missions trip. As required by Adventures in Missions Alex and I had to raise $7,800 dollars by today. And when this day started we stood at $5,096. Needless to say we were a bit short…and I was starting to get a *little* nervous.

Exactly one week ago today I heard the Lord tell me “Beloved, trust in me always. Rest in me. Believe in my timing. I know what I promised you, and have not brought you this far and forgotten about you. Give this to me.” And I told Him at that time that all of this was His; I would stop trying to lead Him and just let Him take control. Whatever happened, whether we made the deadline or not, I would trust in him. I would be bold in asking people to give, but then I would be patient to wait on the Lord and his timing.

Well…despite that promise my mind got the better of me. When I woke up yesterday morning, almost $3,000 short, I was about ready to give up. I even looked at the World Race website to check out what other trips were happening later next year and asked Alex which one he thought we would switch to. I didn’t think there was any chance of us making this deadline.

But then the miracles started.  

Starting with the fact that the wonderful people at AIM gave Alex and me a FULL WEEKS extension on our deadline! And secondly, and most amazingly, that extra week gave our website the time to process the THREE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND NINETY DOLLARS that we made in TWO DAYS!!

Yes. You are seeing that correctly. $3,590. I am, simply, at a complete loss for words. 

I saw a miracle happen today. I am so humbled, and I am so in awe of God and His love. I saw God today as a promise keeper, as a good father who gives good gifts, as my provider, and a bit of a show off.   He really likes those big exciting finishes. Hahaha! And with a total at the end of the day of $8,696 not only did we MEET our deadline we are almost $900 above it! My cup overflows!

So to all of you beautiful, wonderful, incredible people who donated…just, thank you. You have made this vision possible for Alex and I. Yes, we still have a long way to go, and a lot of fundraising to do. But I have hope. Hope like never before that raising this much money is possible.

In 20 days Alex and I go to training camp and we get to meet our whole squad and spend 10 days with them, and just 73 days after that until we leave America for 11 months!!! It’s getting so close, and so real! And I cannot wait to see what else God has up His sleeves!